
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Heart Attack

Image result for human hearts

Heart Attack

-What causes one?

A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked. The reason for the blockage is mostly a buildup of fat, and other substances.
Image result for lamb heartsOver time, a coronary artery can become narrow from the buildup of various substances. This condition, is known as coronary artery disease, this what causes most heart attacks.

-How do you know you're having one?

Common signs of a heart attack include of
-A shortage of breath with or without chest discomfort
-Pain in one or both of you arms,Upper back,neck jaw and stomach                                                                                   
-Discomfort or pressure in the center of your chest often last a few minuets                                                                                    
Image result for pig heart-Fainting, Paleness, Unusual fatigue
-A break out of cold sweat
-Inability to sleep

-How to prevent it? 

-Avoid Smoke
-Control your body pressure
-Get regular medical checkups
-Exercise regularly
-Maintain a healthy weight
-Eat healthy
-Manage diabetes
-Control stress

Main points from yesterdays:
-Thick/ Thin side
The thick pumps blood to the whole body
Fat is the white stuff
-Labelled top holes
-Pigs vs sheep heart

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Slavery song

Spiritual songs

Spirituals/ slavery songs we sang by slave who worked out in the fields. These songs help the slaves have energy to keep working and to also pass notes but by singing, but sometimes these songs have hidden meaning & messages that we wont necessarily pick up on.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Slave Trade Triangle

Slave Trade Triangle
The slave trade is a cooperation were people trade goods like money and foods
but the down side to this system is that they send people to became slaves.
This diagram below shows the places we the traded systems had happened

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Human Rights

Human Rights
So far in social studies we've be learning and identifying the different human rights.
Today we were given the task to create a poster that identifies the 30 types of Human
Rights and includes a few picture that represents this topic.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Critical Literacy

Critical Literacy

Critical Literacy is applying critical thinking to a literacy topic.

Bias-Favoritism, Liking someone more than the other.

Sources-Where you get the information from.

Credible-Believing Trustworthy person.

Authority-Responsible, respectful person in power.

Reliable-Trustworthy credible, efficient,respected,factual.

Perspective-How you understand, vision, comprehension.

Agenda-Then intentions you have.

Manipulate-How you change somebody's view of things & persuading or pressuring.

Find your focus

Text-Any form of writing or presentation the gives of information

Construction-How something is built, made or sourced

Representation-The showing of picturing of something in a form of art

Stereotype-A fixed idea or image of something.


Inclusion-The act of including.

Exclusion-Leaving something/someone out

Masculine-Having the quality considered to typically be for males
Feminine-Attributes , behaviors and roles generally  associated with Females

Get Questioning
Inclusion in a text-
Whose views are excluded or privileged in the text?
Who benefits from the text?
How would the text be different if it were told in another time,place or culture
What knowledge does the reader/viewer need to bring to this text in order to understand it?

Exclusion in a text-
Who is missing from the text?
What had been left out of the text?
Who is allowed to speak, who is quoted?
Whose views are excluded or privileged in the text?

Representation in a text-
What do the words suggest?
What do the image suggest?

What knowledge does the reader/viewer need to bring to this text in order to understand it?
Why has the composer of the text represented the characters in a particular text

Putting it into Practice
Back then Women from the 70s  had to look perfect and have to do all the chores around the house depicting them as housewives while the Males only do the chores that are outdoors. The Female in the clip lives in a very abusive world but she is dream of being in a perfect world we both females and male are equally.

Elle is the center of attention in the clip/musically. She stands out from the rest of the crowd. Elle is dressed up in bright colors while the people around her are dressed very formal and have bland colors like brown,grey & black.

The similarity between both this clips are the females both have Blonde hair and wear dresses , and some differences are the first would is a house wive and has to do the house work while the 2nd girl is loud and want to become a lawyer in the near future

Young teens or young me are depicted as big drinkers and they always party